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A-Frame Locomotion

A-Frame Locomotion is a collection of components, systems and primitives for all forms of locomotion in VR. It aims to be simple, modular, flexible and 'just work'. You can freely pick out the things you need or combine them in new and creative ways.

Here are some quick examples of the locomotion schemes you can achieve:

Quick examples

Example Components
Smooth locomotion with snap turning smooth-locomotion and snap-turn
Snap turning with fade transitions snap-turn="delay: 0.1" and <al-snap-turn-fade>
Smooth turning smooth-turning
Vignette when moving al-vignette
Smooth locomotion on a nav-mesh smooth-locomotion with nav-mesh-strategy and nav-mesh
Smooth locomotion without falling of edges smooth-locomotion="fallMode: prevent" with nav-mesh-strategy and nav-mesh
Remote controlling an actor smooth-locomotion="target: #actor; reference: #actor"

Note: The above examples assume a camera rig to be used and omits corresponding property values for brevity. See reference documentation for the mentioned components or explore the full examples.